

YetiForce support

YetiForce is a very powerful and complete tool for which a good knowledge is required to perform a configuration suitable for your production methods.
YetiForce has high customization possibilities.


Creating / editing views (built-in)
For each module, each user can create a series of personal or public views depending on the type of research purpose. Creating or modifying a view is very simple and intuitive, but it could require a minimum of training for those who are not familiar with CRM or similar. Activities with average frequency.

Creating / editing modules blocks and fields (built-in)
Each module is composed of blocks and each of them contains the related fields. Both the blocks and the fields can be customized in quantity, type and content. Editing is very simple and intuitive, but may require training. It is an activity that is usually done at very low intervals.

Data import (built-in)
The data import function can be useful in cases where there is a collection of external data to be included in the CRM, from a CSV file created with Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc. It is not intended as a migration activity.

Data extraction (built-in)
To carry out the analyzes it is necessary to export the data related to 2 or 3 modules: creating export models requires training on how the tables relate and how database queries are built.

Workflow creation (built-in)
The workflow is a programmed automatism to facilitate some activities in order to relieve the users' work: automatic modification and updating of data inside the Crm itself, automatic notification to a customer (email / sms), event in the calendar and more. It is an activity with low frequency and requires specific training.

Installation of third party extensions (purchase)
In order to adapt the CRM to your needs, it may be necessary and useful to search the web for a particular extension: buy it, install it and proceed with the appropriate training.

Design of new extensions (development)
If an extension is not already available, it could be preceded by the ad-hoc extension design and implementation.

The types of support vary according to your needs and the state of use of YetiForce.
In the event that you need to migrate to YetiForce or need to make changes, support activities may require the following activities.

Analysis of production and information flow with possible design
We often wonder if our production flow is the best one to be competitive. The adoption of a CRM obliges, in part, to embrace the standards by now acquired. Improving the standardization of internal and external activities is of fundamental importance in order to reach European and international competitive levels. Often it is necessary to design, in small successive steps, the production and information flows. This happens in cases where a small or medium-sized company can no longer manage a growing workload: increasing personnel, without a good standardization of processes, could be more expensive than advantageous.

Feasibility analysis of the migration
Migrating to YetiForce is always possible. But at what price? Not so much in economic terms, but in terms of data and procedures. If we were in a condition far removed from a consolidated standard, it could require a not small effort to switch to a CRM, and not all data, as they are structured, could be migrated to a CRM. But a compromise is always possible, perhaps creating one or more extensions able to cover any non-standard structures.

Analysis of current status and operations necessary for migration
Once the certainty of the feasibility of the migration to YetiForce is acquired, it is essential to define the steps to be followed to reach the required standard: usually the first step is that which requires a greater effort on the part of all.

Over time new needs and requirements arise: satisfying them means modifying the contents of the modules, creating new views, creating new data extraction criteria, adding workflows.

Search for needed extensions
Always in the context of new needs, a search for extensions that can help the production process could be useful.

Design and implementation of needed extensions
If an extension is not available, designing and implementing a new extension is the best way forward.

Staff training
Too often, staff and management training is underestimated: providing the company with a powerful tool that one does not know how to exploit fully is often frustrating: considering good training is perhaps more important than wanting to reach standards that are too high compared to ours start point.

On-call help desk
Without wishing to plan training activities after the initial start-up, providing an on-call help-desk is the most advantageous and easy to implement solution: I would like to do "this thing", but "I don't know how to do it"; Can you explain it to me?


Linux support

Linux is a highly stable and efficient operating system, but it needs periodic maintenance in order to provide an excellent service to users. Compared to other licensed operating systems, it has very low maintenance times and costs.
Linux interfaces easily with the main operating systems: Win and Mac.
The Linux support service has many variations, but we can distinguish between installation and configuration, routine maintenance and extraordinary activities.


Linux server installation

Operating system

  • Linux Debian

Web server (LAMP configuration)

  • Apache - web server
  • MySql - database server
  • PHP - server side scripting


  • Network configuration
  • Samba - Win, Mac, Linux interface
  • ProFtp - FTP server


  • ClamAV - antivirus
  • SSH server - remote access
  • BackupPC - backup client
  • OpenSSL - with SSL certificate

File server

  • Shared folders configuration
  • Centralization of Thunderbird email

Email server
Due to the complexity and management costs, I always suggest relying on a provider to interface with

Linux client installation

Operating system

  • Linux Debian
  • Linux Ubuntu


  • Firefox - web browser
  • Chrome - web browser
  • Opera - web browser
  • Thunderbird - email client
  • LibreOffice - office tools
  • Other packages needed


  • Network configuration
  • Samba - Win, Mac, Linux interface


  • ClamAV - antivirus
  • SSH server - remote access
  • BackupPC - backup client

File server

  • Shared folders configuration


Ordinary maintenance

  • Updating server and client packages
  • Tracking hacking attempts
  • Check raid
  • Verify backup consistency
  • Restart in case of kernel update
  • Linux Ubuntu

Extraordinary activities

  • Apache configuration
  • MySql optimization
  • Backup configuration
  • Samba configuration