The first question you ask is "Why do I have to switch to Linux?".
There is only one answer: "Because it is convenient". There are no contraindications.
On the server side, Linux has dominated for years now, but the client side has always been a bit snubbed due to the deficiencies of the graphical user interface. In recent years, graphical interfaces have had a remarkable leap forward, to the point of being able to say that they are now more efficient and friendly than commercial operating systems. Different? Yes for some aspects yes, but extremely simple and intuitive: very little is enough to become familiar.
In my experience I have found that the fears were unfounded and the transition times, from a commercial system to a Linux, are really minimal. I would venture to quantify in hours more than days.
I use the Debian Linux distribution which I consider to be the most reliable and professional. It never disappointed me and never gave me problems: when I say "never", I mean "never". Alternatively, I suggest Linux Ubuntu, a Debian's child distribution, but more "basic user" as a GUI approach.
It is obvious that an analysis of the tools used in the office / company is required before starting any migration. I often keep a Win and / or Mac workstation for any needs. Furthermore, the transition takes place gradually, progressively replacing each workstation.
The analysis focuses on understanding if the tools used can be replaced by the Linux context with a reasonable impact. It is obvious that for some "non-portable" activities the migration does not take place, keeping that workstation with that particular Win / Mac software.
If you are interested or just curious, do not hesitate to contact me for a chat.
I invite you to read the following, to become aware of any reasons to migrate to Linux.
The following is dedicated to analyzing the reasons for undertaking a migration to Linux systems, both server-side and client-side.
To the question "Why should I switch to Linux?" I answer "... why not!?!".
Sebbene io abbia lavorato per più di 20 anni con Linux, fino a qualche anno fa avrei avuto qualche esitazione nel suggerire una migrazione al client Linux. Non oggi, tranne nei casi in cui sono necessari strumenti software insostituibili e sviluppati solo per Mac o Win.
I would like to emphasize that this refers to professional systems and programs and not "small tools to play". It is often thought that Linux is for few and for those who "fiddle", but the reality is quite different.
Until a few years ago, graphical interfaces were quite difficult, but today they are of a very high level and in some cases better than commercial systems, both in terms of usability and performance.
Let's see right away when it is not recommended to migrate to Linux:
The most critical areas to consider for a more careful evaluation are:
To understand what we are talking about, let's take a few examples of the most popular commercial software:
It is well understood that if you need to drive a dedicated Adobe or Avid hardware you necessarily need a dedicated Adobe or Avid software that mainly runs under Windows or Mac.
Linux Ubuntu Studio is a distribution designed for Professional Multimedia Editing: audio editing, 2D graphics, video editing, photography and publications. Always very up to date; a package update is published every six months.
The Linux alternatives are there and highly valid and professional: you have to look for the most suitable tool for our work and plan the correct training for the personnel who will have to use it.
In a Linux-based office it is always recommended to maintain a Win and / or Mac workstation: the productive wealth is in the integration of the systems not in their exclusion.
For an ordinary office that uses common tools, the transition is quite easy, both in terms of using the new tools and in using the new operating system.
Now let's see the advantages of migrating to Linux.
Linux is free and updates are free: you can get up to 40% savings on system and software costs.
Linux takes full advantage of the potential of the computer: it is faster and it does not "crash".
Linux is in all languages.
Virus? What's this? In Linux the virus problem does not exist, unless you "invite" it to settle. The antivirus installs only on the Linux server, not to safeguard the server, but any Windows clients accessing that server.
You are independent of "whims" for paid software.
You don't need licenses: download and install.
The development groups test and verify all the software before packaging them for the specific distribution.
Linux does not slow down over time: there is no disk fragmentation in Linux.
Microsoft is a Platinum Member of the Linux Foundation: subsidizes US $ 500,000 a year for open source software development.
Availability of infinite desktops.
Wide availability of forums and support for any anomalies. By now a lot of companies are supporting and training for Linux, especially for standard packages like Libre Office.
If you want to learn more, don't hesitate to contact me.