Different types of anomalies can occur, as a result of incorrect operation by the user or system crash:
cancellation of the sales order (Sales order missing)
account cancellation (Account missing)
cancellation of the service (Service missing)
cancellation of contact (Contact missing)
lineitem deletion (rare - system problem) (Lineitem missing)
not marked as executed (Passed not executed)
deactivating field Create jobs for services (Zombies)
sales order has got lacking jobs
sales order has got jobs in excess
While the first 4 are caused by an incorrect user action,
the 5th could be caused by a system error which for some reason eliminated a lineitem from the database.
The sixth type of anomaly concerns jobs that have been executed, but their status is not set to executed;
these jobs are the ones that should be billed.
The seventh one, happens if the Create jobs for services option is deactivated,
but some jobs have been modified, and therefore are not automatically deleted.
The last two anomalies are issued if the number of jobs related to the sales order is different
from the quantity of some service in the sales order.
NB: if no job has been modified, upon disabling the Create jobs for services,
all jobs related to the sales order are automatically deleted.
To intercept all these types of anomalies,
a CRON task is available that checks all jobs and notifies,
via email or system notification, any anomalous jobs.
To correct anomalies, a frontend module is available that lists all anomalous jobs of all types,
allowing you to view/edit each anomalous job or its sales order.